Friday, August 5, 2011

Matter can't be deduced.

Implosions​ are an impossibil​ity since matter can not be deduced in any fashion. Therefore the matter from a dead star (black hole) has to go somewhere.​ The idea of multiple universes is new but supports what I just said. The force of a supernova might be great enough to create a pin hole in the fabric of space thus funneling the matter into another dimension.​ This suggests the ideal theory -Big Bang- might be fraudulent​ or a misreprese​ntation, an explosion might have been present, but it was more of a funneling of matter into our universe via pin hole in another.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I think this says it all!

"I won't be the one you like
I won't be the boy next door
I won't be the chosen one
That's not what I'm here for
I don't like the way you are
I despise what you hold dear
Don't you try to make me change
I'll haunt you for a thousand years"
