Thursday, June 9, 2011

I don't understand

I can usually snap out of a "depressed state" but haven't been able to this time. I feel empty and see no regeneration of my soul and heart in sight and I've felt like this since April. I get fleeting blips of warmth but they are swiftly quelled. The weather's nice and I have a bit of money, but I've just lost all my passion for everything. I derive no true joy from anything at this time and feel nothing for the situations and humans around me. I fear I've lost myself because I just feel dead inside. I trust I will find a way out of this but for now I'm just stuck.



  1. sometimes, that little bit of an inkling of a shred of hope/trust is the fume that powers one's car to the next gas station. i'm here to help push the proverbial vehicle while you steer/push from the driver's side.

  2. I appreciate the support. It truly does resonate with me. You'll be happy to know that I am pulling out of this tale spin, and have been feeling pretty awesome. Sometimes you just gotta vent the shit out. This is my forum for that and it is truly therapeutic.

    Thank You for reading and being a genuine friend!

